Source code for cognipy.ontology

from IPython.display import display, Markdown, Latex
import pandas as pd
import textwrap
import re
import os

import pydot
from io import BytesIO
import IPython

from cognipy.interop import cognipy_create, cognipy_delete, cognipy_call

[docs]def CQL(cql, ns=''): """Converts CQL query into pure SPARQL by replacing CNL names into their IRI representations Args: cql (str): cql string ns (str): namespace for CNL names into IRI expansion """ def CONC(str): return '<'+ns + str.split('-')[0]+"".join([x.title() for x in str.split('-')[1:]])+">" def my_replace(match): match = return CONC(match[1:-1]) return re.sub(r'\<[^\>:/]+\>', my_replace, cql)
[docs]def encode_string_for_graph_label(val): """Encodes reserved graphviz characters""" return val.replace('{', '&#123;').replace('|', '&#124;').replace('}', '&#125;').replace('<', '&#60;').replace('>', '&#62;')
[docs]def default_graph_attribute_formatter(val): """The default method of graph-attribute formatting""" return encode_string_for_graph_label(textwrap.fill(str(val), 40))
[docs]def basic_backquote_string_evaluator(val): """The basic evaluator for backquoted strings""" return eval(val,globals(),locals())
[docs]def basic_graph_attribute_formatter(val): """The basic method of graph-attribute formatting, taking into account basic collection types""" if isinstance(val,list) or isinstance(val,set): return " | ".join(list(map(lambda i:encode_string_for_graph_label(graph_attribute_formatter(i)),val))) elif isinstance(val,dict): return " | ".join(list(map(lambda i:i[0]+" : "+encode_string_for_graph_label(graph_attribute_formatter(i[1])),val.items()))) else: return encode_string_for_graph_label(textwrap.fill(str(val),40))
[docs]class Ontology: """ A class used to represent an ontology. This is the main entry point for the cognipy package. You can create many ontology objects and use them at the same time. Args: source (str): 'cnl/file' - local cnl file *.encnl 'cnl/string' - arg is a string ontology in a cnl format 'rdf/uri' - uri to OWL/RDF or RDF/XML file 'rdf/string' - arf is a string ontology in OWL/RDF or RDF/XML format arg (str): path/string/uri verbose (bool): should the content of the ontology be displayed evaluator (function): a function that is used to evaluate string values within the ontology that are embrased with backquotes i.e.:`...`. It enables encoding complex structures within the ontology. Default = None - no backqueted string evaluation is performed. graph_attribute_formatter (function) : a function that is used to format an attribute value when diagram is rendered stop_on_error(bool): if True (default) the method with throw an error if any occured during the ontology loading process. """ def _resolve_str(self, v): if(isinstance(v, str) and len(v) > 0 and v[0] == '`' and v[-1] == '`'): return self._evaluator(v[1:-1]) else: return v def _resolve_value(self, col): if(isinstance(col, list)): return list([self._resolve_value(y) for y in col]) elif(isinstance(col, set)): return set({self._resolve_value(y) for y in col}) elif(isinstance(col, dict)): return dict({x: self._resolve_value(y) for x, y in col.items()}) else: return self._resolve_str(col) def __init__(self, source, arg, verbose=False, evaluator=None, graph_attribute_formatter=default_graph_attribute_formatter, stop_on_error=True): loadAnnotations = True passParamsAsCnl = True modalCheck = True materialized = True self._verbose = verbose self._evaluator = evaluator self._materialized = materialized self._graph_attribute_formatter = graph_attribute_formatter self._uid = cognipy_create() if source == "cnl/file": cognipy_call(self._uid, "LoadCnl", arg, loadAnnotations, modalCheck, passParamsAsCnl, stop_on_error) elif source == "cnl/string": cognipy_call(self._uid, "LoadCnlFromString", arg, loadAnnotations, modalCheck, passParamsAsCnl, stop_on_error) elif source == "rdf/uri": cognipy_call(self._uid, "LoadRdf", arg, loadAnnotations, modalCheck, passParamsAsCnl, stop_on_error) elif source == "rdf/string": cognipy_call(self._uid, "LoadRdfFromString", arg, loadAnnotations, modalCheck, passParamsAsCnl, stop_on_error) elif source == "rdf/file": with open(arg,"rt") as f: cognipy_call(self._uid, "LoadRdfFromString",, loadAnnotations, modalCheck, passParamsAsCnl, stop_on_error) else: raise ValueError("Invalid source parameter") if self._verbose: cnl = self.as_cnl() markdown = self.highlight(cnl).replace('**a**', 'a').replace('**X**', 'X').replace( '**Y**', 'Y').replace('\r\n', '<br>').replace("<br><br>", "<br>") display(Markdown(markdown))
[docs] def get_load_error(self): """Returns the last error that happened during ontology loading.""" return cognipy_call(self._uid, "GetLoadError")
def __del__(self): cognipy_delete(self._uid) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.__del__()
[docs] def as_rdf(self, conclusions=False): """Returns the content of the ontology in OWL/RDF format.""" return cognipy_call(self._uid, "ToRDF", conclusions)
[docs] def as_cnl(self, conclusions=False): """Returns the content of the ontology as CNL.""" return cognipy_call(self._uid, "ToCNL", conclusions, True)
[docs] def sub_concepts_of(self, cnl, direct=False): """Get all the sub-concepts of the given concept specification Args: cnl (str): the cnl expression that evaluates to the concept definition Returns: Pandas DataFrame containing all the sub-concepts of the given concept expression """ return cognipy_call(self._uid, "GetSubConceptsOf", cnl, direct)
[docs] def sparql_query_for_instances(self, cnl): """Converts CNL concept definition into corresponding SPARQL query Args: cnl (str): the cnl expression that evaluates to the concept definition Returns: str: SPARQL query """ return cognipy_call(self._uid, "SelectInstancesSPARQL", cnl, False)
[docs] def super_concepts_of(self, cnl, direct=False): """Get all the super-concepts of the given concept specification Args: cnl (str): the cnl expression that evaluates to the concept definition Returns: Pandas DataFrame congaing all the super-concepts of the given concept expression """ return cognipy_call(self._uid, "GetSuperConceptsOf", cnl, direct)
[docs] def instances_of(self, cnl, direct=False): """Get list of all the instances of the given concept specification Args: cnl (str): the cnl expression that evaluates to the concept definition direct (bool): if True, only the direct instances of the given concept specification will be returned Returns: List of all the instances of the given concept expression """ return cognipy_call(self._uid, "GetInstancesOf", cnl, direct)
def _to_pandas(self, vals, cols): if self._evaluator is not None: vals = [[self._resolve_value(item) for item in row] for row in vals] return pd.DataFrame(vals, columns=cols)
[docs] def select_instances_of(self, cnl): """Get all the instances of the given concept specification Args: cnl (str): the cnl expression that evaluates to the concept definition Returns: Pandas DataFrame containing all the instances of the given concept expression together with all their attributes and relations """ val = cognipy_call( self._uid, "SparqlQueryForInstancesWithDetails", cnl) return self._to_pandas(val["Item2"], val["Item1"])
[docs] def autocomplete(self, str): """Gives the autocompletion lists for a given string Args: cnl (str): the partially defined cnl expression Returns: List[str]: autocompletions """ return list(cognipy_call(self._uid, "AutoComplete", str))
[docs] def highlight(self, cnl): """Gives the Markdown of the given cnl Args: cnl (str): the cnl string Returns: str: highlighted cnl string """ return cognipy_call(self._uid, "Highlight", cnl)
[docs] def insert_abox_cnl(self, cnl): """Inserts new knowledge into the ontology. Only A-Box is accepted here. Args: cnl (str): the cnl string """ cognipy_call(self._uid, "KnowledgeInsert", cnl, True, True) if self._verbose: markdown = self.highlight(cnl).replace('**a**', 'a').replace('**X**', 'X').replace( '**Y**', 'Y').replace('\r\n', '<br>').replace("<br><br>", "<br>") display(Markdown(markdown))
[docs] def delete_abox_cnl(self, cnl): """Deletes the specified knowledge from the A-Box ontology Only A-Box is accepted here. The exception will be thrown if T-Box is given Args: cnl (str): the cnl string """ cognipy_call(self._uid, "KnowledgeDelete", cnl, True) if self._verbose: markdown = self.highlight(cnl).replace('**a**', 'a').replace('**X**', 'X').replace( '**Y**', 'Y').replace('\r\n', '<br>').replace("<br><br>", "<br>") display(Markdown(markdown))
[docs] def delete_abox_instance(self, inst): """Deletes the specified instance from the A-Box of the ontology including all the connections it has to other instances and concepts. If the instance is involved in the T-Box definition the exception will be thrown. Args: inst (str): the cnl name of the instance. """ cognipy_call(self._uid, "RemoveInstance", inst) if self._verbose: markdown = "("+inst+")" display(Markdown(markdown))
[docs] def sparql_query(self, query, asCNL=True, column_names=None): """Executes the SPARQL query Args: query: the SPARQL query. YOu can directly use prefixes like: [rdf:,rdfs,owl:] asCNL : should the result names be automatically converted back to their CNL representation (default) of they should remain being rdf identifiers. column_names : (default=None). List of column names for the returned dataframe. If None, the names of the variables are used. Returns: Pandas DataFrame containing all the results of the query """ val = cognipy_call(self._uid, "SparqlQuery", query, True, asCNL) return self._to_pandas(val["Item2"], val["Item1"] if column_names is None else column_names)
[docs] def why(self, cnl): """Explains why Args: cnl (str): the cnl string """ return cognipy_call(self._uid, "Why", cnl, True)
[docs] def reasoningInfo(self): self.super_concepts_of("a thing") return cognipy_call(self._uid, "GetReasoningInfo")
[docs] def create_graph(self, layout="hierarchical", show={"subsumptions", "types", "relations", "attributes"}, include={}, exclude={}, constrains=[], format="svg", filename=None, fontname=None, fontsize=11): """Creates the ontology diagram as an image Args: layout(str): type of layout (one of: "hierarchical"(default), "force directed") show(set(str)): one or more of strings {"subsumptions","types","relations","attributes"} include(set(str)): one or more names of entities that must be included (even if show argument says no) exclude(set(str)): one or more names of entities that must be excluded (even if show argument says yes) constrains(list(str)): one or more complex concept expressions that constrain the list of instances to be displayed this allows to create graphs that are focusing on specific instance. Multiple constrains are joined using OR expression format(str): format of the output image(one of: "svg"(default) ,"png") filename(str): if None then output is returned, otherwize the output is written under the filename on the disk fontname(str): if None then default font is used, otherwize the fontname is the name of the typeface to be used fontsize(int): size of the font """ showCnc = "subsumptions" in show showInst = "types" in show showRels = "relations" in show showVals = "attributes" in show SubsumptionEdgeColor = "black" RelationEdgeColor = "black" ConceptColor = "aliceblue" InstanceColor = "whitesmoke" def addEdge(graph, frm, to): n = graph.get_node(frm) if len(n) == 0: frmN = pydot.Node(frm) graph.add_node(frmN) else: frmN = n[0] n = graph.get_node(to) if len(graph.get_node(to)) == 0: toN = pydot.Node(to) graph.add_node(toN) else: toN = n[0] e = pydot.Edge(to, frm) graph.add_edge(e) e.set_penwidth(0.5) if fontname is not None: e.set_fontname(fontname) e.set_fontsize(fontsize) if fontname is not None: frmN.set_fontname(fontname) frmN.set_fontsize(fontsize) frmN.set_shape('Mrecord') frmN.set_penwidth(0.5) if fontname is not None: toN.set_fontname(fontname) toN.set_fontsize(fontsize) toN.set_shape('Mrecord') toN.set_penwidth(0.5) return frmN, e, toN def addNode(graph, frm): n = graph.get_node(frm) if len(n) == 0: frmN = pydot.Node(frm) graph.add_node(frmN) else: frmN = n[0] if fontname is not None: frmN.set_fontname(fontname) frmN.set_fontsize(fontsize) frmN.set_shape('Mrecord') frmN.set_penwidth(0.5) return frmN def addInstanceOf(graph, frm, to): frmN, e, toN = addEdge(graph, frm, to) e.set_dir("back") e.set_arrowtail("empty") e.set_style("dashed") e.set_color(SubsumptionEdgeColor) toN.set_style('filled') toN.set_fillcolor(ConceptColor) frmN.set_style('filled') frmN.set_fillcolor(InstanceColor) def addSubsumption(graph, frm, to): frmN, e, toN = addEdge(graph, frm, to) e.set_dir("back") e.set_arrowtail("empty") e.set_style("solid") e.set_color(SubsumptionEdgeColor) toN.set_style('filled') toN.set_fillcolor(ConceptColor) frmN.set_style('filled') frmN.set_fillcolor(ConceptColor) def addLabel(labels, frmN, frm, str): if(frm not in labels.keys()): lbl = "{"+frm+"}" else: lbl = labels[frm] lbl = lbl[:-1]+"|{"+str+"}}" frmN.set_label(lbl) labels[frm] = lbl def addAssertion(graph, labels, frm, to, etx): frmN = addNode(graph, frm) toN = addNode(graph, to) e = pydot.Edge(frmN, toN) graph.add_edge(e) e.set_penwidth(0.5) if fontname is not None: e.set_fontname(fontname) e.set_fontsize(fontsize) e.set_dir("forward") e.set_arrowhead("open") e.set_style("solid") e.set_color(RelationEdgeColor) e.set_label(etx) toN.set_style('filled') toN.set_fillcolor(InstanceColor) frmN.set_style('filled') frmN.set_fillcolor(InstanceColor) def addDataValue(graph, labels, frm, val, etx): frmN = addNode(graph, frm) frmN.set_style('filled') frmN.set_fillcolor(InstanceColor) addLabel(labels, frmN, frm, etx+"|"+val) graph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='graph') negsubsumptions = set([]) negtypes = set([]) subsumptions = set([]) instances = set([]) relations = set([]) datavalues = set([]) labels = {} def canAdd(shw, frm, to): return (shw and (frm not in exclude) and (to not in exclude)) or (not shw and (frm not in exclude) and (to not in exclude) and ((frm in include) or (to in include))) def canAddR(shw, frm, r, to): return (shw and (frm not in exclude) and (r not in exclude) and (to not in exclude)) or (not shw and (frm not in exclude) and (r not in exclude) and (to not in exclude) and ((frm in include) or (r in include) or (to in include))) def constrainsUnionSparql(constrains, v): if len(constrains) == 0: return "" def singSpqr(x): q = self.sparql_query_for_instances(x) q = q[q.find("WHERE")+7:] q = q[:len(q)-1] q = q.replace("?x0", v).replace("?z0", v) return q return "{SELECT "+v+" {{"+str.join("} UNION {", [singSpqr(x) for x in constrains])+"}}}" SEP='\1' if showCnc or len(include) > 0: negres = self.sparql_query( "select ?x ?y ?z {?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y. ?y rdfs:subClassOf ?z. ?x rdf:type owl:Class. ?y rdf:type owl:Class. ?z rdf:type owl:Class. filter (?x!=?y && ?y !=?z && ?x!=?z)}") for frm, mid, to in negres.values: if frm not in exclude and to not in exclude and mid not in exclude: if not frm+SEP+to in negsubsumptions: negsubsumptions.add(frm+SEP+to) res = self.sparql_query( "select ?x ?y {?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y. ?x rdf:type owl:Class. ?y rdf:type owl:Class. filter (?x!=?y)}") for frm, to in res.values: if canAdd(showCnc, frm, to): if not frm+SEP+to in negsubsumptions: if not frm+SEP+to in subsumptions: subsumptions.add(frm+SEP+to) addSubsumption(graph, frm, to) xcspq = constrainsUnionSparql(constrains, "?x") if showInst or len(include) > 0: negres = self.sparql_query( "select ?x ?y ?z {?x rdf:type ?y. ?y rdfs:subClassOf ?z. ?x rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual. ?y rdf:type owl:Class. ?z rdf:type owl:Class. filter (?x!=?y && ?y !=?z && ?x!=?z)."+xcspq+" }") for frm, mid, to in negres.values: if frm not in exclude and to not in exclude and mid not in exclude: if not frm+SEP+to in negtypes: negtypes.add(frm+SEP+to) res = self.sparql_query( "select ?x ?y {?x rdf:type ?y. ?x rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual. ?y rdf:type owl:Class."+xcspq+"}") for frm, to in res.values: if canAdd(showInst, frm, to): if not frm+SEP+to in negtypes: if not frm+SEP+to in instances: instances.add(frm+SEP+to) addInstanceOf(graph, frm, to) if showRels or len(include) > 0: res = self.sparql_query( "select ?x ?y ?r {?x ?r ?y. ?x rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual. ?y rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual. ?r rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty. "+xcspq+"}") for frm, to, rel in res.values: if canAddR(showRels, frm, rel, to): if not frm+SEP+rel+SEP+to in relations: relations.add(frm+SEP+rel+SEP+to) addAssertion(graph, labels, frm, to, rel) if showVals or len(include) > 0: res = self.sparql_query( "select ?x ?y ?r {?x ?r ?y. ?x rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual. ?r rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty. "+xcspq+"}") datavaldic = {} for frm, to, rel in res.values: if canAdd(showVals, frm, rel): to = self._graph_attribute_formatter(to) if not frm+SEP+rel+SEP+to in datavalues: datavalues.add(frm+SEP+rel+SEP+to) if(frm+SEP+rel in datavaldic.keys()): datavaldic[frm+SEP + rel] = datavaldic[frm+SEP+rel]+"|"+to else: datavaldic[frm+SEP+rel] = to for k in datavaldic.keys(): try: frm, rel = k.split(SEP) addDataValue(graph, labels, frm, "{"+datavaldic[k]+"}", rel) except: print(k) raise graph.set_K("1") if layout == "hierarchical": graph.set_layout("dot") elif layout == "force directed": graph.set_layout("fdp") else: raise ValueError("unknown layout type") graph.set_splines("true") if filename is None: if format == "svg": return graph.create_svg(prog='dot',encoding='utf8') elif format == "png": return graph.create_png(prog='dot',encoding='utf8') else: raise ValueError("unknown image format") else: if format == "svg": return graph.write_svg(filename, prog='dot',encoding='utf8') elif format == "png": return graph.write_png(filename, prog='dot',encoding='utf8') else: raise ValueError("unknown image format")
[docs] def draw_graph(self, layout="hierarchical", show={"subsumptions", "types", "relations", "attributes"}, include={}, exclude={}, constrains=[], fontname=None, fontsize=11): """Draws the ontology Args: layout(str): type of layout (one of: "hierarchical"(default), "force directed") show(set(str)): one or more of strings {"subsumptions","types","relations","attributes"} include(set(str)): one or more names of entities that must be included (even if show argument says no) exclude(set(str)): one or more names of entities that must be excluded (even if show argument says yes) constrains(list(str)): one or more complex concept expressions that constrain the list of instances to be displayed this allows to create graphs that are focusing on specific instance. Multiple constrains are joined using OR expression fontname(str): if None then default font is used, otherwize the fontname is the name of the typeface to be used fontsize(int): size of the font """ return IPython.display.SVG(data=self.create_graph(layout, show, include, exclude, constrains, fontname=fontname, fontsize=fontsize))
[docs]class ABoxBatch: """ A class used to create batch for A-Box manipulations on the ontology """ def __init__(self): self._rb = [] self._insts = []
[docs] def has_type(self, inst, cls): """[inst] is [cls]. has-type relationship. Args: inst(str): instance name cls(str): concept name """ self._rb.append("type") self._rb.append(inst) self._rb.append("") self._rb.append(cls) return self
[docs] def same_as(self, inst, inst2): """[inst] is [inst2]. same-as relationship. Args: inst,inst2(str): instance names """ self._rb.append("==") self._rb.append(inst) self._rb.append("") self._rb.append(inst2) return self
[docs] def different_from(self, inst, inst2): """[inst] is not [inst2]. different-from relationship. Args: inst,inst2(str): instance names """ self._rb.append("!=") self._rb.append(inst) self._rb.append("") self._rb.append(inst2) return self
[docs] def relates(self, inst, prop, inst2): """[inst] [prop] [inst2]. object relationship. Args: inst,inst2(str): instance names prop(str): property name """ self._rb.append("R") self._rb.append(inst) self._rb.append(prop) self._rb.append(inst2) return self
[docs] def value(self, inst, prop, v): """[inst] [prop] [v]. attribute. Args: inst(str): instance names prop(str): property name v(int,float,bool,str): an value for the instance property """ def tos(v): if(isinstance(v, int)): return "I:"+str(v) elif(isinstance(v, float)): return "F:"+str(v) elif(isinstance(v, bool)): return "B:"+"[1]" if v else "[0]" else: return "S:'"+str(v)+"'" self._rb.append("D") self._rb.append(inst) self._rb.append(prop) self._rb.append(tos(v)) return self
[docs] def delete_instance(self, inst): """the instance to be deleted. Used only if delete is called Args: inst(str): instance name """ self._insts.append(inst)
[docs] def insert(self, onto): """Inserts the current A-Box into the specific ontology Args: onto(Ontogy): ontology to be modified """ cognipy_call(onto._uid, "AssertionsInsert", self._rb) if onto._verbose: markdown = '' for i in range(0, len(self._rb), 4): if self._rb[i] == "type": markdown += self._rb[i+3]+"("+self._rb[i+1]+")" elif self._rb[i] == "==": markdown += self._rb[i+1]+"=="+self._rb[i+3] elif self._rb[i] == "!=": markdown += self._rb[i+1]+"!="+self._rb[i+3] elif self._rb[i] == "R": markdown += self._rb[i+2] + \ "("+self._rb[i+1]+","+self._rb[i+3]+")" else: markdown += self._rb[i+2] + \ "("+self._rb[i+1]+","+self._rb[i+3]+")" markdown += "<br>" markdown += "" display(Markdown(markdown))
[docs] def delete(self, onto): """Deletes the current A-Box from the specific ontology Args: onto(Ontogy): ontology to be modified """ cognipy_call(onto._uid, "AssertionsDelete", self._rb) for inst in self._insts: cognipy_call(onto._uid, "RemoveInstance", inst) if onto._verbose: markdown = '' for i in range(0, len(self._rb), 4): if self._rb[i] == "type": markdown += self._rb[i+3]+"("+self._rb[i+1]+")" elif self._rb[i] == "==": markdown += self._rb[i+1]+"=="+self._rb[i+3] elif self._rb[i] == "!=": markdown += self._rb[i+1]+"!="+self._rb[i+3] elif self._rb[i] == "R": markdown += self._rb[i+2] + \ "("+self._rb[i+1]+","+self._rb[i+3]+")" else: markdown += self._rb[i+2] + \ "("+self._rb[i+1]+","+self._rb[i+3]+")" markdown += "<br>" for inst in self._insts: markdown += "*("+inst+")" markdown += "<br>" markdown += "" display(Markdown(markdown))