Solar System

Setting up the environment Initialization of the Ontology editor in Jupyter Notebook

from cognipy.ontology import Ontology #the ontology processing class
from cognipy.ontology import CQL #SPARQL format tailored for Contolled Natural Language
from cognipy.ontology import encode_string_for_graph_label #complex datatypes encoder for the graph labels in graph visualisation
import textwrap

def graph_attribute_formatter(val):
    if isinstance(val,list) or isinstance(val,set):
        return " | ".join(list(map(lambda i:encode_string_for_graph_label(graph_attribute_formatter(i)),val)))
    elif isinstance(val,dict):
        return " | ".join(list(map(lambda i:i[0]+" : "+encode_string_for_graph_label(graph_attribute_formatter(i[1])),val.items())))
        return encode_string_for_graph_label(textwrap.fill(str(val),40))

Scraping data and building CNL

import pandas as pd
import os
if os.path.exists('orbits.pkl'):
Name # Orbits Distance (000 km) O_Period (days) Incl Eccen Discoverer Date A.K.A.
0 Sun - - - - - - - - Sol (0)
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 Mercury I Sun 57910 87.97 7 0.21 - - (0)
3 Venus II Sun 108200 224.7 3.39 0.01 - - (0)
4 Earth III Sun 149600 365.26 0 0.02 - - (0)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
92 Nereid II Neptune 5513 360.13 29 0.75 Kuiper 1949 NaN
93 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
94 Charon I Pluto 20 6.39 98.8 0 Christy 1978 1978 P 1
95 Nix II Pluto 49 24.86 0.2 0 Stern(j) 2005 2005 P 1
96 Hydra III Pluto 65 38.21 0.21 0 Stern(j) 2005 2005 P 2

97 rows × 10 columns

def renum(x):
    x=x.strip().replace(' ','')
    x='0'+x if x[0]=='.' else x
    x=x+'0' if x[-1]=='.' else x
    return x
def orbits_to_cnl(row):
    lines = []
    if row.Name==row.Name: #Nan check
        if row.Orbits!='-':
            lines.append(f"{row.Name} orbits {row.Orbits}.")
            lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-index equal-to '{row['#']}'.")
            if row['Distance (000 km)']==row['Distance (000 km)']:
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-semimajor-axis-1000-km equal-to {renum(row['Distance (000 km)'])}.")
            if row['O_Period (days)']==row['O_Period (days)']:
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-period equal-to {renum(row['O_Period (days)'])}.")
            if row['Eccen']==row['Eccen']:
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-eccentricity equal-to {renum(row['Eccen'])}.")
            if row.Discoverer!='-':
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-discoverer equal-to '{row.Discoverer.split('(')[0]}'.")
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-discovery-year equal-to {row.Date}.")
    return '\n'.join(lines)
orbit_cnl='\n'.join(line for line in raw_orbit_data.apply(orbits_to_cnl,axis=1) if line!='')
Mercury orbits Sun.
Mercury has-index equal-to 'I'.
Mercury has-semimajor-axis-1000-km equal-to 57910.
Mercury has-period equal-to 87.97.
Mercury has-eccentricity equal-to 0.21.
Venus orbits Sun.
Venus has-index equal-to 'II'.
Venus has-semimajor-axis-1000-km equal-to 108200.
Venus has-period equal-to 224.7.
Venus has-eccentricity equal-to 0.01.
Earth orbits Sun.
Earth has-index equal-to 'III'.
Earth has-semimajor-axis-1000-km equal-to 149600.
Earth has-period equal-to 365.26.
Earth has-eccentricity equal-to 0.02.
Mars orbits Sun.
Mars has-index equal-to 'IV'.
Mars has-semimajor-axis-1000-km equal-to 227940.
Mars has-period equal-to 686.98.
Mars has-eccentricity equal-to 0.09.
Jupiter orbits Sun.
Jupiter has-index equal-to 'V'.
Jupiter has-semimajor-axis-1000-km equal-to 778330.
Jupiter has-period equal-to 4332.71.
Jupiter has-eccentricity equal-to 0.05.
Saturn orbits Sun.
Saturn has-index equal-to 'VI'.
Saturn has-semimajor-axis-1000-km equal-to 1429400.
Saturn has-period equal-to 107...
if os.path.exists('physics.pkl'):
    raw_physical_data= pd.read_html('',header=[0,1])[0]
Name Radius Mass Dens Abo Vo Rotate Dimensions
0 Sun 695000.0 1.99e30 1.41 ? -26 24.6 NaN
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 Mercury 2440.0 3.30e23 5.43 0.11 -1.9 58.6 NaN
3 Venus 6052.0 4.87e24 5.24 0.65 -4.4 -243 NaN
4 Earth 6378.0 5.97e24 5.52 0.3 - 0.99 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
81 Nereid 170.0 ? ? .2 18.7 ? NaN
82 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
83 Charon 603.0 1.52e21 1.72 .32 15.5 S (z)
84 Nix 23.0 < 2e18 ? ? 22.9 ? (z)
85 Hydra 30.0 < 2e18 ? ? 23.4 ? (z)

86 rows × 8 columns

def physics_to_cnl(row):
    lines = []
    if row.Name==row.Name: #Nan check
        lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-radius equal-to {renum(row.Radius)}.")
        if row.Mass!='?' and row.Mass==row.Mass:
            if row.Mass[0]=='<':
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-mass-kg lower-than {renum(row.Mass[1:])}.")
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-mass-kg equal-to {renum(row.Mass)}.")
        if row.Dens!='?' and row.Dens==row.Dens:
            lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-density equal-to {renum(row.Dens)}.")
        if row.Abo!='?':
            lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-abo equal-to {renum(row.Abo)}.")
        if row.Vo!='-' and row.Vo!='?':
            lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-vo equal-to {renum(row.Vo)}.")
        if row.Rotate!='?' and row.Rotate==row.Rotate:
            if row.Rotate=='S':
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-rotate equal-to 'Stable'.")
            elif row.Rotate=='chaotic':
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-rotate equal-to 'Chaotic'.")
                lines.append(f"{row.Name} has-rotate equal-to {renum(row.Rotate)}.")
    return '\n'.join(lines)
physics_cnl = '\n'.join(line for line in raw_physical_data.apply(physics_to_cnl,axis=1) if line!='')
Sun has-radius equal-to 695000.0.
Sun has-mass-kg equal-to 1.99e30.
Sun has-density equal-to 1.41.
Sun has-vo equal-to -26.
Sun has-rotate equal-to 24.6.
Mercury has-radius equal-to 2440.0.
Mercury has-mass-kg equal-to 3.30e23.
Mercury has-density equal-to 5.43.
Mercury has-abo equal-to 0.11.
Mercury has-vo equal-to -1.9.
Mercury has-rotate equal-to 58.6.
Venus has-radius equal-to 6052.0.
Venus has-mass-kg equal-to 4.87e24.
Venus has-density equal-to 5.24.
Venus has-abo equal-to 0.65.
Venus has-vo equal-to -4.4.
Venus has-rotate equal-to -243.
Earth has-radius equal-to 6378.0.
Earth has-mass-kg equal-to 5.97e24.
Earth has-density equal-to 5.52.
Earth has-abo equal-to 0.3.
Earth has-rotate equal-to 0.99.
Mars has-radius equal-to 3397.0.
Mars has-mass-kg equal-to 6.42e23.
Mars has-density equal-to 3.93.
Mars has-abo equal-to 0.15.
Mars has-vo equal-to -2.0.
Mars has-rotate equal-to 1.03.
Jupiter has-radius equal-to 71492.0.
Jupiter has-mass-kg equal-to 1.90e27.
Jupiter has-density equal-...

Constructing few rules that will merge all the things together

%%writefile solarsystem.encnl

Comment: 'Definition of a planet'.
If a thing orbits a star and the thing has-mass-kg greater-than 1.0e23 then the thing is a planet.

Comment: 'Definition of a dwarf-planet'.
If a thing orbits a star and the thing has-mass-kg greater-than 1.0e21 and the thing has-mass-kg lower-than 1.0e23 then the thing is a dwarf-planet.

Comment: 'Definition of the moon'.
If a thing(1) orbits a thing(2) and the thing(2) orbits a star then the thing(1) is a moon.

Comment: 'All starts with the Sun'.
Sun is a star.

Overwriting solarsystem.encnl

Loading the ontology

onto=Ontology("cnl/string",'\n'.join([open("solarsystem.encnl","rt").read(), physics_cnl,orbit_cnl]),
                    evaluator = lambda e:eval(e,globals(),locals()),
                    graph_attribute_formatter = graph_attribute_formatter)

Exploring the ontology

onto.select_instances_of("a star")
Instance has-rotate has-vo has-density has-mass-kg has-radius
0 Sun 24.6 -26 1.41 1.990000e+30 695000.0
onto.select_instances_of("a dwarf-planet")
Instance orbits has-discovery-year has-mass-kg has-vo has-abo has-discoverer has-rotate has-radius has-period has-semimajor-axis-1000-km has-eccentricity has-index has-density
0 Pluto Sun 1930 1.270000e+22 13.6 0.55 Tombaugh -6.39 1150.0 90550 5913520 0.25 IX 2.06
onto.select_instances_of("a planet")
Instance orbits has-discoverer has-abo has-vo has-density has-semimajor-axis-1000-km has-discovery-year has-period has-eccentricity has-radius has-mass-kg has-rotate has-index
0 Neptune Sun Adams 0.41 7.8 1.64 4504300 1846.0 60190.00 0.01 24766.0 1.020000e+26 0.67 VIII
1 Saturn Sun None 0.47 0.7 0.69 1429400 NaN 10759.50 0.06 60268.0 5.680000e+26 0.45 VI
2 Mars Sun None 0.15 -2.0 3.93 227940 NaN 686.98 0.09 3397.0 6.420000e+23 1.03 IV
3 Earth Sun None 0.30 NaN 5.52 149600 NaN 365.26 0.02 6378.0 5.970000e+24 0.99 III
4 Venus Sun None 0.65 -4.4 5.24 108200 NaN 224.70 0.01 6052.0 4.870000e+24 -243.00 II
5 Uranus Sun Herschel 0.51 5.5 1.32 2870990 1781.0 30685.00 0.05 25559.0 8.680000e+25 -0.72 VII
6 Mercury Sun None 0.11 -1.9 5.43 57910 NaN 87.97 0.21 2440.0 3.300000e+23 58.60 I
7 Jupiter Sun None 0.52 -2.7 1.33 778330 NaN 4332.71 0.05 71492.0 1.900000e+27 0.41 V
onto.select_instances_of("a moon that orbits Jupiter")
Instance orbits has-radius has-semimajor-axis-1000-km has-index has-density has-period has-vo has-discovery-year has-discoverer has-eccentricity has-mass-kg has-rotate has-abo
0 Carme Jupiter 20.0 22600 XI 2.80 -692.00 17.9 1938 Nicholson 0.21 9.560000e+16 None NaN
1 Harpalyke Jupiter NaN 21132 XXII NaN NaN NaN 2000 Sheppard NaN NaN None NaN
2 Megaclite Jupiter NaN 23911 XIX NaN NaN NaN 2000 Sheppard NaN NaN None NaN
3 Callirrhoe Jupiter NaN 24100 XVII NaN NaN NaN 2000 Sheppard NaN NaN None NaN
4 Io Jupiter 1821.0 422 I 3.53 1.77 5.0 1610 Galileo 0.00 8.930000e+22 Stable 0.61
5 Thebe Jupiter 50.0 222 XIV 1.50 0.67 16.0 1979 Synnott 0.02 7.770000e+17 Stable 0.05
6 Amalthea Jupiter 94.0 181 V 1.00 0.50 14.1 1892 Barnard 0.00 3.500000e+18 Stable 0.05
7 Elara Jupiter 38.0 11737 VII 3.30 259.65 16.6 1905 Perrine 0.21 7.770000e+17 0.5 NaN
8 Chaldene Jupiter NaN 23387 XXI NaN NaN NaN 2000 Sheppard NaN NaN None NaN
9 Lysithea Jupiter 18.0 11720 X 3.10 259.22 18.2 1938 Nicholson 0.11 7.770000e+16 None NaN
10 Callisto Jupiter 2403.0 1883 IV 1.85 16.69 5.6 1610 Galileo 0.01 1.080000e+23 Stable 0.20
11 Pasiphae Jupiter 25.0 23500 VIII 2.90 -735.00 16.9 1908 Melotte 0.38 1.910000e+17 None NaN
12 Taygete Jupiter NaN 23312 XX NaN NaN NaN 2000 Sheppard NaN NaN None NaN
13 Erinome Jupiter NaN 23168 XXV NaN NaN NaN 2000 Sheppard NaN NaN None NaN
14 Metis Jupiter 20.0 128 XVI 2.80 0.29 17.5 1979 Synnott 0.00 9.560000e+16 None 0.05
15 Ganymede Jupiter 2634.0 1070 III 1.94 7.15 4.6 1610 Galileo 0.00 1.480000e+23 Stable 0.42
16 Leda Jupiter 8.0 11094 XIII 2.70 238.72 20.2 1974 Kowal 0.15 5.680000e+15 None NaN
17 Sinope Jupiter 18.0 23700 IX 3.10 -758.00 18.0 1914 Nicholson 0.28 7.770000e+16 None NaN
18 Adrastea Jupiter 10.0 129 XV 4.50 0.30 18.7 1979 Jewitt 0.00 1.910000e+16 None 0.05
19 Themisto Jupiter NaN 7507 XVIII NaN NaN NaN 2000 Sheppard NaN NaN None NaN
20 Iocaste Jupiter NaN 20216 XXIV NaN NaN NaN 2000 Sheppard NaN NaN None NaN
21 Europa Jupiter 1565.0 671 II 2.99 3.55 5.3 1610 Galileo 0.01 4.800000e+22 Stable 0.64
22 Ananke Jupiter 15.0 21200 XII 2.70 -631.00 18.9 1951 Nicholson 0.17 3.820000e+16 None NaN
23 Himalia Jupiter 93.0 11480 VI 2.80 250.57 15.0 1904 Perrine 0.16 9.560000e+18 0.4 NaN
24 Isonoe Jupiter NaN 23078 XXVI NaN NaN NaN 2000 Sheppard NaN NaN None NaN

Draw the ontology

onto.draw_graph(layout='force directed',show={"relations"})
[ ]: